
All posts tagged Christmas

Thank You <3

Published December 11, 2013 by diaperedgirl

To every one of my readers, I want to extend a heartfelt thank you. For your encouragement while I tried staying in diapers, for giving me ideas, for supporting me, and even to you the silent supporters who read through my blogs each and every time I posted.

I know I haven’t been on or  posting much at all lately, with the holiday seasons among other things, it has been quite hectic here. I know I had said I wanted to post more often, but yet I haven’t and that hasn’t been fair to you. I figured at the very least, I owe all of you an update on everything. 🙂 I had a surprisingly nice Thanksgiving with my extended family, no one got too drunk, which made for a nice time together.

With that behind us and Christmas fast approaching, I’m preparing for that as well. It always seems that when it rains it pours, and  that is no different when it comes to expenses as well. Lately I have had some various financial issues arise. Due to this, I don’t really have the extra funds to purchase/stay in diapers. As such my time in diapers does seem to be coming to an end. Don’t fret though, I still have some left, so I will be in them from time to time, but for now at least, diapers and I will be parting ways.

I hope you all have enjoyed my posts and this adventure that you have gone on with me. I never thought I’d say it, but I have had a lot of fun. I was able to try something completely different, and to be more of the silly weirdo I know I am. 🙂 To all of you who are curious about trying something, whether that be staying in diapers like me or something completely different, to you I tell you this. Try it, try everything! You never know how things will go, what you will like, or what lasting memories will be created. Worst case scenario, you don’t like something new and you don’t do it again. Then you try something else!

If any of you want to chat about anything, I’ll try to be on my yahoo messenger at or you can always e-mail me. I think we can all use more friends. ❤

Have a safe and happy holidays!

Now I know

Published December 30, 2012 by diaperedgirl

I want to start off by apologizing to all my readers. I know I haven’t been updating when I said I would do so more often. I’ve been crazy busy with training for my new job, and preparing for the holidays. Now that Christmas is over at least, I’m hoping I’ll have more time for updates for all of you 🙂

I just got back from my holiday trip where I suppose the interesting story begins. I knew this year, that my family was going to visit some of my family in California for Christmas. This little trip was going to have me away from home for 8 or 9 days, so I knew I’d need a lot of diapers, but as I packed I realized two things. One there would be no way to hide all my diapers if I got them there, and two, there wasn’t even enough room for me to bring enough diapers with me, so I had to make a hard choice…. I took no diapers with me on the trip.

I thought I would be fine and things were for a while. Being in panties again after so long felt really strange. I mean I felt like I forgot to put something on when I got dressed. I imediately noticed that I had more trouble holding my bladder than I could remember having before. Since my parents were picking me up from work to go straight to the airport, that meant going to work without diapers. Wow… I don’t think I’d ever had so many close calls. By the end of the day, I just wasn’t drinking any liquids because I didn’t want to wet my pants.

After work, my parents picked me up and we made our way to the airport. My mom informed me that there was a hole in the bag I packed, so she had to unpack all of my things and repack them in an extra suitcase she had. Good thing I hadn’t packed any diapers… I don’t know how I would’ve explained that one…

We made it to California without me having any accidents, but that’s where it ended. Over the next few days, I leaked into my pants at least 3 times. Never anything enough to show a wet spot ( I don’t think), but that’s only because I realized what I was doing and hurriedly stopped. While I had some fun out in California, I didn’t enjoy sleeping there.


Not enough beds meant I had to sleep on an air mattress for the first 4 nights. To make matters worse as I woke up one morning, I started to wet myself. I stopped myself as soon as I could but there was a noticeable wet spot on my pajamas. On top of that, I started to get a cold on Christmas day. I mean I loved some of the presents I had, and I may get a tablet with my Christmas money, but I ended up feeling pretty miserable the rest of the trip.

I’m sure being sick doesn’t help my bladder control either and I ended up waking up while I was wetting myself. I stopped as soon as I could, but my pajamas were pretty wet. I’m glad the sheets were dark so it didn’t show any wet spot.

At that point I knew that there was no way I could just stop being in diapers and I needed to be in them. The conundrum though is that the longer I am in diapers, I’m sure the worse my bladder control will become, but I suppose if I need diapers for now, then I need them. I’m glad to report no accidents on the flights home though. As soon as I got back home, I got into night time diapers. After hanging out with a friend for a little bit, I went to bed thinking I was very glad I was back and safe in diapers.